Very few people would argue the digital revolution hasn’t yielded any benefits for humankind. Thanks to our new digital tools, we have the ability to stay in touch, learn about virtually any given subject, and be more productive than ever.
However, that doesn’t mean that always being connected to digital devices doesn’t come at a cost. There are also reasons it’s important to step away from the phone and computer for a while.
The following are some of the more noteworthy. These are just a few key benefits of a digital detox.
Digital Detox Benefits: What You Need to Know
You’ll Stress Less
Again, always being able to check your phone has its downsides. For instance, research indicates that people feel more stressed when they can’t get away from their smartphones, computers, and similar devices.
It’s easy to understand why. Although these devices can absolutely deliver valuable experiences, they can also deliver worrying experiences. These may include constant emails from work, unpleasant news stories, and much more.
Your mind needs a break from those forms of stimulation. Your mental health will benefit in both the long and short term.
You’ll Sleep Better
It’s worth noting that always being near your digital devices also has a negative impact on your sleep. There are two major reasons this is the case.
First of all, the stress they cause can be very distracting for what may be obvious reasons. It’s difficult to rest when you’re constantly thinking about how you could be checking emails, catching up on work, or simply posting on social media.
Additionally, research indicates that exposure to the “blue light” these devices emit can suppress the body’s natural production of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep. That’s because the body naturally produces this hormone when the sun goes down. However, blue light essentially “tricks” the body into thinking it’s still day. This is a major reason sleep disorders appear to be on the rise throughout areas of the world where smartphone usage is common.
You’ll Have More Time for Yourself
Don’t overlook the benefits of solitude! While maintaining active social relationships is absolutely valuable, there are also numerous reasons you need to spend time alone every now and then.
Solitude gives you the chance to examine yourself and your life. Many of us are so busy that we never get the opportunity to step back and determine whether we’re actually living the lives we wish. Additionally, research shows that spending time “doing nothing” and merely being with yourself can actually result in greater productivity in the long run.
One, you’ll have time to recharge, restoring any energy you may have lost in your daily life. Additionally, this alone time often leads to new ideas you can use to start businesses, innovate at work, or simply live a healthier life.
None of this is meant to suggest you should throw away your phone completely. These devices still offer many conveniences. Just keep in mind that the benefits of a digital detox are also substantial.