Law is a very complex and arduous subject; not something that everyone can understand easily. In fact, it goes well beyond its two most popular branches, civil law and criminal law. This article will shed some light on these two as well as other branches of law.
Each branch of law deals with a separate attribute of the field and has a set of specialists and advisors. For a layman, it is important to understand that there are many lawyers, each catering to a particular branch. In fact, it is one of the most important things one should know before approaching a prospective lawyer for help to solve a problem or legal issue.
Branches of Law
There are more than 20 branches of law that you should familiarize yourself with. Each of these has their own policies and nuances.
Civil law: Any dispute that is related to contractual agreements can be classified under civil law. In other words, any dispute that does not involve criminal charges falls under this category.
Criminal law: Any dispute that concerns a crime committed against public authority or other citizens falls under it. Along with civil law, this is one of the broad classifications under which an offense can be placed. Murder, theft, driving under the influence, and other such violations fall under it. Cases of criminal law are handled by a criminal lawyer.
Property law: Ownership and disputes regarding property ownership is dealt with the property law statutes. It is important to understand the difference between movable and immovable property here. Movable property is one’s personal possessions, while immovable refers to real estate and land. This branch deals with the issues regarding immovable property.
Income tax law: This branch deals with the income tax and other tax-related disputes between individuals or companies and the Federal government. These require a great deal of expertise to be adhered to, and there are many specialists who provide this expertise.
Labor law: This one deals with the terms and conditions and disputes regarding employment of labor. This is a set of rulings and regulations that govern the relationship and terms between an employer and employee. Though this falls under civil category, it is vast in nature.
Minor law: A minor is a person who is below 18 years of age. There are several rules and regulations set in place for the protection of minors. Exploiting a minor is a grave offense. There are many platforms from which disputes can occur. Most cases involving minors are property issues.
Environment law: This is a set of treaties, agreements, rules, and statutes that aim to protect the environment. Anyone who offends these laws is subject to judgment through the system that is set in place. Due to its general nature, this one does not fall under the criminal category. It is one of the more generic types, but requires highly specialized lawyers.
Administration law: This is a body that deals with the activities and governing capacities of the administrative bodies of the government. These bodies should not be exempt from standard laws of functioning. Administration law is the branch that deals with disputes regarding the same.
Constitutional law: This deals with the study and practice of the principles set forth by the US Constitution. Any violation that disregards Constitutional policies is scrutinized by specialists in this branch and governance.
Press law: The press and media enjoy the benefits of freedom of speech, but there are certain rules and regulations that they need to adhere to. This deals with the liberties and powers enjoyed by the media and at the same time, governs copyright-related issues of intellectual property rights.
Sale of goods law: This is the set of legal rules regarding the sale and purchase of goods. There needs to be a proper system in place to enable the smooth transaction of goods and services; the sale of goods law is the set of regulations one should refer to, if any disputes arise.
Along with these branches that are mentioned, here are some more branches that you may come across at some point or the other.
All these go hand in hand and work simultaneously to enable the smooth functioning of society. People who break these laws are dealt with accordingly, and this is what keeps our society ticking.