The theory of 'Marketplace of Ideas' is a metaphor for freedom of expression, and states that ideas compete with each other in the market, and
What Does a Frivolous Lawsuit Mean?
Frivolous lawsuits end up wasting the court's time and legal expenses. But what is considered a frivolous lawsuit? Find the answer in this Buzzle
What Does Aggravated Robbery Mean and What are its Characteristics?
In most US states, the culprits of armed robberies are charged for aggravated robbery. But what exactly does an 'aggravated robbery' mean, and
Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation? Here’s What’s to Know
What is desirable for a modern society, unity in diversity, or a homogenous culture? OpinionFront goes far beyond this debate, with a comparison
What Does Gross Misdemeanor Mean?
Under the law of the United States, a gross misdemeanor is a crime which is considered to be more serious than a regular misdemeanor, but not grave
Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiculturalism with Examples
Multiculturalism is the peaceful coexistence of a culturally diverse or multiethnic population in a country. Through this OpinionFront article, you
The Main Advantages and Disadvantages of a Confederate Government
A confederation refers to a union of political organizations. Like any other type of government, there exist pros and cons of a confederate government
Understanding Excess Capacity in Different Arenas With Examples
In simple terms, excess capacity is the situation where there is more capacity to produce than the requirement, and there are idle resources. When
Popular Vote Vs. Electoral Vote
The Presidential election in the United States is decided on the basis of the electoral vote. This OpinionFront article elaborates on the differences