There are many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) all over the globe that are committed to improving the lives of the less fortunate. The OpinionFront article below enlists some of the most charitable NGOs organizations in the world.
Headquartered in Oxford, UK, Oxfam is one of the world’s oldest and best NGOs, with 17 sub-organizations in more than 90 countries, striving towards eradicating poverty and establishing global justice. In the year 2012, Oxfam was ranked third in the list of top 10 charitable NGOs.
There are innumerable charitable foundations in the world; there are non-governmental organizations, nonprofits, community organizations, etc., and each one of them functions differently. Often, nonprofits and NGOs are often erroneously considered similar; however, both are different types of charities. While nonprofits use extra funds for the organization, NGOs are civil society organizations that are devoid of government control.
NGOs are dedicated to a number of causes ranging from animal safety, humanitarian work, environment protection, health, to arts and culture. The Global Journal has ranked some of the best and famous NGOs as the most charitable ones of the year 2013. The list is provided below.
Source: The Global Journal
To contribute to the welfare of humanity is noble indeed. While the above list comprised the non-governmental organizations, there are many other nonprofits that work towards societal welfare as well. In a bid to do our best for the globe, it is important that every human being volunteers to be a part of some charitable cause.